COVID-19 UPDATE14 May 2020

We are very excited about level 2, it means we are able to OPEN the gates and doors again. Of course with the correct rules and procedures for us all to follow.

Until otherwise notified, groups must be a maximum of 10 people

The Homestead, Gardening and Cafe teams all have strict cleaning and social distancing rules to follow, please don't be offended if we take a step back or sideways when you approach us. Sadly we're not able to pat your dogs either.

Hand sanitiser will be available at all entry and exits points, staff will be undertaking regular cleaning of 'high touch points'.

Do be mind full of touching plants and trees, we are not able to gives these a regular clean.

The Homestead and Gardens will be open to everyone from Saturday 16th May, 10am.

Prof's @ Woodlands Cafe will be open from Wednesday 20th May, 9am. Then winter hours will continue, opening Wednesday to Sundays until October.