Red Light Framework & Masks

Red Light Framework & Masks28 Jan 2022

After this weeks announcements by the government, we thought it time to refresh our guidelines, particularly around facemask usage.

This excerpt has been taken from the governments Covid website:

"From 4 February 2022, you must wear a face mask when attending a gathering — except where you have the exclusive use of the venue, including weddings."

As we are an exclusive use venue, face masks are not mandated for you and your guests. All staff and vendors, however, will be wearing masks at all times.

Another question we are being asked regularly is whether staff, vendors, children, and babies are included in the 80 people limit.
Children and babies are included.
Staff and vendors are not included.

We continue to monitor government guidelines, don't hesitate to email any other questions you have or if you need further clarification on how we implement the government guidelines.